October 23, 2020 marks the 64th anniversary of the beginning of the Hungarian Revolution. This
historically important day is now a national holiday in Hungary. The Consulate General, together
with the participation of local Hungarian organizations, arranged that one of the world’s most
famous water falls, Niagara Falls, together with the 553m high Toronto landmark, the CN Tower, be adorned in the national colors of Hungary. In addition to these larger scaled initiatives, the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight were also commemorated through somber events in various Hungarian communities in-and-around Toronto.

Despite the pandemic-related restrictions, the series of festive commemorations began with a
ceremonial flag-raising at Toronto City Hall, and continued with the laying of wreathes at the Arpad
Hall in Niagara Falls and at the freedom fight memorial in Budapest Park, Toronto. Remembrance
programs were also held in local area communities.

Thank-you and congratulations to all organizers and participants. Not only was this an uplifting
experience for Hungarians living in Canada, but it also served to strengthen the bonds between
Hungarian-Canadians and their homeland.